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외국계기업 | Consumer Marketing Assistant (1년 계약직)
포지션명 Consumer Marketing Assistant (1년 계약직)
회사 외국계기업 직급 ~
외국어 연령/성별 무관
진행절차 서류전형 -> 1차면접 -> 2차면접 마감일 채용시
1. 채용 포지션

【 포지션 : Consumer Marketing Assistant (1년 계약직) 】

  - 포지션 개요
    * Initiate/Plan/Develop/Deliver 360 marketing campaign to achieve the goal of brand build-up, consumer experience enhancement, campaign goal, Improve ROI, conversion drive etc.
    * Develop campaign strategy & activities (Awareness / Engage / Conversion).
    * Build and manage acquisition campaigns across various channels including social, digital
    * SEM, and display to drive revenue and increase ROI.
    * Manage the day-to-day handling of all social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
    * New product launch: Develop the needed assets and implement the launch campaign/activities.
    * BTL creative development (key visuals, digital video, product images, etc.)
    * ROI analysis (digital marketing result-impression, click, engagement etc.)
    * Drive conversion in stores and online, working closely with sales team.

  - 담당업무
    * Digital Marketing Campaign Management
     └ Strategize, execute, monitor, and manage campaigns across multiple platforms (Naver, Google Ads, Social+Meta etc.)
     └ ROI analysis (digital marketing result-impression, click, engagement etc.)
     └ Track, report, and analyze website analytics and campaigns.
     └ Complete day-to-day performance marketing tasks to maximize ROI.
    * Digital Marketing Asset Creation and Localization
     └ Create and localize marketing assets.
     └ Lead, produce and review the creative & copywriting for all web, print, and digital marketing collateral (in collaboration with design agency)
     └ Create and review digital content (web description, VOD, product review, SNS posting etc.)
    * Social Media, Influencer Management, Brand Collaborations
     └ Manage SNS channel (Facebook, Instagram) for plan and implementation.
     └ Develop and execute influencer marketing strategies and creative campaigns.
     └ Leading brand collaboration projects incl. communication, contents development, activity reviews etc.
     └ Support the team on ad-hoc basis.
    * Press-release and Media management
     └ Work with PR agencies to develop the right contents for press-release and media
     └ Execute monthly press-releases and monitor the effectiveness
    * Budget Management
     └ Manage the budget against monthly planned budget
     └ Manage the suppliers in terms of budget process
     └ Support the team on ad-hoc basis.

  - 자격요건
    * 학력 : 4년제 대학교 졸업
    * 경력 : 1~2+ years of solid Marketing experience is preferred (경력 1~4년을 선호)
    * 어학 : Solid English writing and speaking ability.
    * Candidates with Marketing related majors or relevant experience to be considered
    * A solid understanding of social media platforms, particularly in relation to advertising/branding and customers
    * Strong copywriting and editing skills suitable for each platform, from knowing how to write successful messages to using effective storytelling techniques.
    * Critical Thinking. Use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.
    * Proficient with tools data tools like data analysis tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads and FB ads manager.
    * Experience in creating marketing/advertising campaigns.
    * Gets energy from boosting output, reach and efficiency of our acquisition campaigns.
    * Proven track record of successfully build a large customer base through online marketing.
    * Results-oriented approach, with strong quantitative and qualitative analytical skills
    * Well organized and able to multi-task
    * Good understanding of MS-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and outlook
    * Product web-description and online banner creative and review
    * Support digital marketing activities
    * Must be able to deal with deadline pressure and manage multiple projects across multiple lines of business.
    * Attention to detail
    * Drive for results, Customer obsession, and Passion for Innovation
    * Good communication skills.
    * Strong ownership
    * Time management skill, Sense of urgency
    * One team mind. Team player.
    * Honesty, Integrity, and Morale

2. 근무지 : 서울시 종로구 서린동
  - 인근지하철 : 1호선 종각역

3. 근무형태 : 계약직 (1년)
  - 채용부서 상황에 따라 계약기간을 연장할 수도 있으나 연장계약 또는 정규직전환에 대한 장담을 드리기는 어렵습니다.

4. 근무일 : 주 5일 (월~금)
  - Flexible work hours/hybrid work environment

5. 급여수준 : 개인별 역량 및 경력사항을 고려하여 협의 후 결정
  - 해당 직무의 경우 OT 수당이 별도로 제공되지 않는 All-in 입니다.

6. 복리후생
  - Discounts on our award-winning products and services
  - Family-friendly benefits such as extended paternity leave (4 weeks)
  - Insurance policy plan
  - Extensive learning opportunities and flexible career path
  - 상세한 복리후생 혜택에 대해서는 최종 합격자에 한해 설명드리겠습니다.

7. 제출서류
  - 국문이력서 (상세경력 및 자기소개서 포함)  [ (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 양식 ]
  - 영문이력서 (자유양식의 영문이력서)
  - 상세경력에는 경력 및 실적 위주로 기재바랍니다.
  - 논문/초록 목록 제출 (해당시)
  - 면접 후 졸업증명서, 경력증명서, 원천징수증명서 등 기타 서류 제출 요망
  - 입사지원서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

8. 전형절차 : 서류전형 → 1차면접 → 2차면접 → 최종합격

9. 접수기간 : ASAP (채용시 마감)
  - 지원하시면 바로 추천드리며 채용사에서 적임자라고 판단되면 접수가 마감되므로 최대한 빨리 지원하시는게 좋습니다.

(주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무 드림

 (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무

 ( 06129 ) 서울시 강남구 테헤란로1길 28-11, 4층 (역삼동, 조이빌딩)
 TEL : 02-6952-7084,                FAX : 02-6952-7085
 Mobile : 010-3789-3553
 E-Mail :
담당컨설턴트 정보
이름 정성원전무 이메일
전화 휴대폰 010-3789-3553

TEL. 02-6952-7084 FAX. 02-6952-7085 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 1길 28-11, 4F
대표:김희대 사업자등록번호:143-87-01802  직업소개사업 신고번호:제 2022-3220250-14-5-00013 호

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