페이지 정보
외국계기업 | Logistics Specialist기본정보 | |||
포지션명 | Logistics Specialist | ||
회사 | 외국계기업 | 직급 | ~ |
외국어 | 연령/성별 | 무관 | |
진행절차 | 서류전형 -> 1차면접 -> 2차면접 | 마감일 | 채용시 |
상세정보 |
1. 채용 포지션
【 포지션 : Logistics Specialist 】 ▶ Job Description - Inbound shipment management and customs clearance * Inbound shipment tracking from origin to Korea * Custom clearance and quarantine process with necessary shipment documents * All supporting documents are obtained and submitted to the local customs for preferential duties rate under applicable FTA (Free Trade agreement) * Participate yearly food hygiene regulations training * Korean label update and confirmation from time to time by helping of customs agency and communicate with stakeholders - 3PL Management and Inventory management * Manage and communicate with 3PL on product arriving and stored in the warehouse and also outbound shipments to customers. * Conduct regular 3rd party performance review meeting to drive operational excellence and cost saving initiatives * Inventory Management * Daily Inventory status report by reconciliation with 3PL * Shelf life requirement per customer when updated. * Stock counting report readiness as month ending activity * Pay close attention aging goods and obsoletes to minimize write off * Shipping document handling and hand over the necessary documents requested by Commercial team * Conduct half-year stock-taking at warehouse and annual inventory audit as year ending activity - Product logistics and Project management * Product Logistics management * Maintain/update product master for all of existing products * Develop the Korean label and logistics box in case of local repacking needs * Korean label confirmation for NPD * Observe Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR) program for package consumption and submit the necessary docs to Korea Environment Corporation * Logistics related projects assigned on an ad hoc basis ▶ Job Requirements - Education (degree) * University level - Experience * Around 4~6 years of solid Supply Chain experience, previous working experience as a logistics admin or warehouse specialist is a plus. * Strong Microsoft Excel skills required including use of advanced formulas * Experience with SAP is a plus * Strong experience in FMCG (preferably in Food & Beverage), working with A-brands and working in an international environment. * Knows and understands the supply chain dynamics in Korea. - Language * Good in English (both verbally and in writing) 2. 근무지 : 서울시 중구 순화동 3. 근무형태 : 정규직 (수습기간 3개월) 4. 근무일 : 주 5일 (월~금) 5. 급여수준 : 회사 내규에 따라 면접 후 결정 (전직장 연봉 및 경력에 따라 조정) 6. 제출서류 - 국문이력서 (상세경력 및 자기소개서 포함) [ (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 양식 ] - 영문이력서 (자유양식의 영문이력서) - 이력서에 지원동기, 이직/퇴직사유, 현재/최종연봉, 희망연봉을 반드시 기재 [중요] - 서류전형 합격자에 한해 추후 졸업증명서, 경력증명서, 원천징수증명서 등 기타 서류 제출 요망 - 입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다. 7. 전형절차 : 서류전형 → 온라인 인적성검사 → 1차면접 → 2차면접 → 최종 합격 8. 접수기간 : ASAP (채용시 마감) - 지원하시면 바로 추천드리며 채용사에서 적임자라고 판단되면 접수가 마감되므로 최대한 빨리 지원하시는게 좋습니다. (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무 드림 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무 ( 06129 ) 서울시 강남구 테헤란로1길 28-11, 4층 (역삼동, 조이빌딩) TEL : 02-6952-7084, FAX : 02-6952-7085 Mobile : 010-3789-3553 E-Mail : swchung@hrgn.co.kr hr-chung@naver.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
담당컨설턴트 정보 | |||
이름 | 정성원전무 | 이메일 | swchung@hrgn.co.kr |
전화 | 휴대폰 | 010-3789-3553 |