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외국계기업 | Demand Planner
포지션명 Demand Planner
회사 외국계기업 직급 ~
외국어 연령/성별 무관
진행절차 서류전형 -> 1차면접 -> 2차면접 마감일 채용시
1. 채용 포지션

【 포지션 : Demand Planner 】

▶ Job Description
  - S&OP Process
    * Create a solid sales forecast (SFC) by distributor by SKU, based on sales history, seasonality, market trend, commercial activities
    * Validate SFC with each account manager and understand to reasons for large variances between SFC and Actuals, and impact on forecast going forward; if possible use statistical forecasting through IBP; in line with S&OP process, the DP ensure adequate input is given to the S&OP meeting, to allow final decision taking on the S&OP plan (highlight issues like excess stock, constraints etc)
    * Consolidate final forecast and compare with BU, highlight any gaps vs BU to management team to trigger action plans
    * Prepare Demand Plan using our specific "Waterfall" template to ensure we have fresh stock available at any given point being able to support the business based on the SFC, while limiting the risk of overstock (Aged stock)
    * Works with all stakeholders to ensure that all kinds of promotions, base line volume change, NPD and product phase-out plans for all product lines are addressed as part of the S&OP process
    * Grow and improve S&OP maturity continuously to get a sustainable forecast process
  - Inventory Management
    * Target maximum 30 days of stock per SKU to ensure fresh stock is available to our customers at any point in time and have sufficient buffer stock available to support any fluctuations in  the SFC and ad hoc requests.
    * Closely monitor inventory on hand and potential ageing stock - report/discuss potential ageing stock on weekly basis to ensure necessary actions are planned by commercial team
    * Ensure proper stock allocation per SKU per distributor in case of supply constraints based on input from commercial team/country manager
    * Measure/review local distributors stock to ensure stock levels at our distributors are reasonable and consider this stock when preparing the demand planning and stock allocation (if applicable)
  - Inventory replenishment (Purchase Order process) and T&D (including landed) cost management
    * Purchase order placement regularly and monitor production status, booking confirmations, shipping schedule changes, and any other logistics issues at origin
    * Works with various stakeholders to ensure that all shipping documents are handed over to Logistics specialist to go through customs clearance and quarantine in Korea
    * Verify the invoice issued by freight forwarder and keep tracking of balance amount
    * Work with local 3PL logistics company for boned trucking and deliver to the appointed warehouse location
    * Prepare monthly landed cost report to monitor the actual cost compared with budget
  - Master data management and project management
    * Maintain/update the material/customer master in SAP
    * Update the applicable pricing for repacking products and packaging material as year-end activity
    * Demand and Supply planning related projects assigned on an ad hoc basis

▶ Job Requirements
  - Education (degree)
    * University level
  - Experience
    * Around 4~6  years of solid Supply Chain experience, previous working experience as Demand Planner is a plus.
    * Strong Microsoft Excel skills required including use of advanced formulas
    * Experience with SAP is a plus
    * Strong experience in FMCG (preferably in Food & Beverage), working with A-brands and working in an international environment.
    * Knows and understands the supply chain dynamics in Korea.
  - Language
    * Fluent in Korean and English (both verbally and in writing)

2. 근무지 : 서울시 중구 순화동

3. 근무형태 : 정규직 (수습기간 3개월)

4. 근무일 : 주 5일 (월~금)

5. 급여수준 : 회사 내규에 따라 면접 후 결정 (전직장 연봉 및 경력에 따라 조정)

6. 제출서류
  - 국문이력서 (상세경력 및 자기소개서 포함)  [ (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 양식 ]
  - 영문이력서 (자유양식의 영문이력서)
  - 이력서에 지원동기, 이직/퇴직사유, 현재/최종연봉, 희망연봉을 반드시 기재 [중요]
  - 서류전형 합격자에 한해 추후 졸업증명서, 경력증명서, 원천징수증명서 등 기타 서류 제출 요망
  - 입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

7. 전형절차 : 서류전형 → 온라인 인적성검사 → 1차면접 → 2차면접 → 최종 합격

8. 접수기간 : ASAP (채용시 마감)
  - 지원하시면 바로 추천드리며 채용사에서 적임자라고 판단되면 접수가 마감되므로 최대한 빨리 지원하시는게 좋습니다.

(주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무 드림

 (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무

 ( 06129 ) 서울시 강남구 테헤란로1길 28-11, 4층 (역삼동, 조이빌딩)
 TEL : 02-6952-7084,                FAX : 02-6952-7085
 Mobile : 010-3789-3553
 E-Mail :
담당컨설턴트 정보
이름 정성원전무 이메일
전화 휴대폰 010-3789-3553

TEL. 02-6952-7084 FAX. 02-6952-7085 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 1길 28-11, 4F
대표:김희대 사업자등록번호:143-87-01802  직업소개사업 신고번호:제 2022-3220250-14-5-00013 호

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