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외국계기업 | Category Development & Marketing Manager
포지션명 Category Development & Marketing Manager
회사 외국계기업 직급 ~
외국어 연령/성별 무관
진행절차 서류전형 -> 1차면접 -> 2차면접 마감일 채용시
1. 채용 포지션

【 포지션 : Category Development & Marketing Manager 】

▶ Job Description
  - Business Insights
    * Responsible for data management, revenue management and KPI dashboarding.
    * Supports the Trade Marketing Analyst with analysis and turning data into information as well as creating revenue management and KPI score boards.
    * Turns information in to knowledge by creating business insights from a marketing point of view that will be used as fuel for the channel strategy, channel plan, marketing activation plan and annual action plan.
    * Conduct market research and analysis to identify the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target customers/shoppers and channels.
    * Pre- and reviews the marketing activities and investments in order to gain valuable insights on the results and the return on marketing investment.
  - Marketing, Category and Brand Development
    * Develop and implement comprehensive multi-channel marketing strategy (short/mid/long-term) to determine how to take advantage of brand building and maximize sales opportunities both in existing and new channels.
    * Conducts a partition analysis (every 3 year) and set the range by brand on an annual basis in order to meet the consumer/shopper needs.
    * Reviews the channels and the respective strategy in order to be able to make a channel plan leading up to the marketing activation plan.
    * Makes the Marketing Activation Plan with a one year horizon based on the optimization of the assortment, distribution, off-line and on-line visibility and how to build and increase the household penetration of the brands; promotions (including rules and guidelines), tastings, pricing, communication and rotation.
    * Supports the sales team making their customer business plans and ensures that these are aligned with the 12M Marketing Activation Plan.
    * Responsible for the proper execution of the Marketing Activation Plan, tracking and tracing of the results as well as regular review of the plan against actual results.
    * Executes global marketing campaigns and if needed develops local materials in order to generate content and conversion via E-Commerce and social media.
    * Create and manage the marketing budget to ensure optimal allocation of resources and return on investment.
    * Supports the sales team with their management of key accounts, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers by providing them with training, support materials and marketing insights.
    * Collaborate with other departments to ensure cross functional working in the team.
    * Communicate with Asia office and HQ (GB & CD) and Regional Marketing department in Thailand in order to ensure full alignment with global and regional strategies, rules & guidelines and provides at the same time inputs to both.
  - Assortment/Distribution/Visibility/Penetration
    * Executes the Partition Project (every 3 years) and range review (every year) in order to ensure a brand and product assortment that meets consumer needs and requirements; packaging design, product specifications, pricing, etc.
    * Lead new product and/or SKU introductions and build launch plans.
    * Lead assortment ranking (what to list where) from a consumer/shopper point of view by channel/customer to get the optimal assortment listed by customer
    * Has database (with input from sales) about planogram change date, lead time for launches, shelving aspects, ready shelf packaging requirements, etc.
    * Analyses together with sales listing progress and distribution realization/optimization.
    * Creates insights in the shopper decision tree (SDT), routing in store and trade concepts to entice shoppers.
    * Analyses together with sales (by customer) the opportunities to optimize the in-store visibility on shelf (brand blocking, brand-zone, etc) and guides sales how and where to present our brands/products.
    * Analyses together with sales (by customer) the opportunities to optimize the secondary display options in-store in order to optimize availability and visibility of our brands/products.
    * Supports the sales team making a plan by customer to improve in-store visibility with clear KPI’s to be executed by sales and ensures follow-up on KPI’s (ADVP Tracker).
    * Set guidelines regarding what brand/products to promote, how many times per year, what maximum discount and what kind of execution by customer to direct sales and help them to execute.
    * Set guidelines regarding sampling activities in-store and/or out of store, how many times per year, where and how to execute with clear KPI’s and ensure implementation by sales and/or external agency.
    * Optimize penetration building activities based on promotion and sampling evaluations made by sales (as part of monthly business review and SFC process).
    * Develop pos material to support in-store promotions, sampling activities and optimized visibility on shelf and for secondary placement.
    * Develop Pricing Strategy based on list Prices and RSP by Channel.
  - Communication in-store and on-line
    * Develop and execute communication materials for the trade ; leaflets, presentations, brand stories, samples, etc.
    * Communication with consumers (if applicable); social media, web-site, events, response to consumers.
    * Responsible for the feedback and (written) response and answer consumer questions regarding B&B products.

▶ Job Requirements
  - Education (degree)
    * Bachelor degree with a relevant Master
  - Experience
    * Around 7~10 years of solid trade marketing or category development experience (Brand marketing experience will be a plus)
    * Strong experience in FMCG (preferably in food/drinks), working with A-brands and working in an international environment.
    * Knows and understands the market, channels, customers as well as consumer and shopper behavior in Korea and has an actual network with agencies and research companies.
  - Language
    * Fluent in Korean and English (both verbally and in writing)

2. 근무지 : 서울시 중구 순화동

3. 근무형태 : 정규직 (수습기간 3개월)

4. 근무일 : 주 5일 (월~금)

5. 급여수준 : 회사 내규에 따라 면접 후 결정 (전직장 연봉 및 경력에 따라 조정)

6. 제출서류
  - 국문이력서 (상세경력 및 자기소개서 포함)  [ (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 양식 ]
  - 영문이력서 (자유양식의 영문이력서)
  - 이력서에 지원동기, 이직/퇴직사유, 현재/최종연봉, 희망연봉을 반드시 기재 [중요]
  - 서류전형 합격자에 한해 추후 졸업증명서, 경력증명서, 원천징수증명서 등 기타 서류 제출 요망
  - 입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

7. 전형절차 : 서류전형 → 온라인 인적성검사 → 1차면접 → 2차면접 → 최종 합격

8. 접수기간 : ASAP (채용시 마감)
  - 지원하시면 바로 추천드리며 채용사에서 적임자라고 판단되면 접수가 마감되므로 최대한 빨리 지원하시는게 좋습니다.

(주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무 드림

 (주)에이치알글로벌네트워크 헤드헌터 정성원 전무

 ( 06129 ) 서울시 강남구 테헤란로1길 28-11, 4층 (역삼동, 조이빌딩)
 TEL : 02-6952-7084,                FAX : 02-6952-7085
 Mobile : 010-3789-3553
 E-Mail :
담당컨설턴트 정보
이름 정성원전무 이메일
전화 휴대폰 010-3789-3553

TEL. 02-6952-7084 FAX. 02-6952-7085 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 1길 28-11, 4F
대표:김희대 사업자등록번호:143-87-01802  직업소개사업 신고번호:제 2022-3220250-14-5-00013 호

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